
Aromatherapy Massage

From 30 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes

A therapeutic massage that can be tailored to suit your individual requirements.

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that uses essential oils (concentrated plant extracts). It is a very enjoyable and relaxing treatment which helps to balance both the body and mind leaving you feeling completely relaxed and soothed.

Aromatherapy Natural Facials

Mini facial 30 minutes | Luxury facial 1 hour

A very relaxing facial to help soothe and nourish the skin. Choose from a half hour basic facial to a one hour luxury facial which includes a scalp, face, neck and shoulder massage, as well as gentle pressure work on the facial marma points.

A great way to unwind and gain benefits for both your skin and inner being.


1 hour

A specialist form of treatment which incorporates a relaxing foot massage together with work on the pressure points of the feet.

Reflexology dates back to the Egyptian times, it is very relaxing and effective in treating many ailments throughout the body.

A deeply relaxing and calming treatment.

Indian Head Massage

45 minutes

A relaxing massage of the upper back, arms, neck, scalp and face which is particularly effective for muscular aches, pains and stress relief.

A wonderful way to unwind.

No Hands Massage

A revolutionary, holistic technique created by UK therapist Gerry Pyves after two decades of testing. Using forearm surfaces instead of hands, it addresses physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.

Deeper and more relaxing than traditional massage, it's known as the "Gentle Giant of Massage," offering lifelong benefits beyond sporadic pampering. Experience its power firsthand for a true understanding.

After Treatment Advice

It is advised following your treatment not to bathe for at least six hours after the oils are applied to allow them to be fully absorbed into your system.

After the treatment you may feel very relaxed and sleepy, so try to allocate time afterwards to allow yourself to rest.

Always take care driving post treatment.

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